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Scléip na hÓige, 1-3 Samhain / November

1-3 Samhain / November 2023



Scléip na hÓige, le haghaidh clubannaí agus baill Ógras (12 - 19 bliain d'aois) Scléip na hÓige, for Ógras clubs and members (12-19 years)

Lán/Dúnta - Full/Closed
Ócáidí eile - Other events

Am & Áit - Time & Location

1-3 Samhain / November 2023

Drumree, Drumree, Co. Meath, Ireland

Sonraí - Details

Tá an Scléip dírithe ar dhaoine óga ó 12-19 bliain d’aois.


1. Beidh an Scléip ar siúl ón 1-3 Samhain 2023

2. Tá na himeachtaí dírithe ar dhaoine óga idir 12-19 bliain d’aois

3. Is €110 an costas iomlán don imeacht seo – clúdaíonn sé sin

a. an bus chuig an ionad agus abhaile;

b. bia agus lóistín do dhá lá agus oíche;

c. na himeachtaí ar fad le linn an dhá lá;

d. busanna chuig na himeachtaí éagsúla le linn an Scléip.

Le tógáil leat:

  1. Piliúr agus Mála Codalta.
  2. Tuáille, Scuab agus taos fiacla
  3. Éadaí compordach d’ imeachtaí      gníomhach / Bróga reatha *2 lá
  4. Cóta báistí & bróga súil      (Hiking boots)
  5. Airgead don siopa
  6. Éadaí le haghaidh an Céilí/Dioscó
  7. Aon leighis atá á thógáil agat

Scléip is for young people between the ages of 12-19 years and the time table of events is attached to this message.


1. Scléip will run from 1-3 November

2. The events are for young people aged 12-19 years

3. The cost of this trip is €110 in total – this includes

a. Bus there and back

b. Food and accommodation for the 2 days/nights

c. All of the events during the 2 days

d. Busses to the various events during the 2 days

To bring with you:

1. Pillow and sleeping bag

2. Towel, tooth brush and tooth paste

3. Comfortable clothes and shoes/runners/walking shoes – 2 days*

4. Rain coat

5. Pocket money for tuck/gift shop

6. Clothes for Céilí/Disco

7. Any medicine you require

Roinn - Share on Social Media

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