Campa Samhraidh Ógras Bhaile an Mhuilinn - Milltown Summer Camp
Luan 15 Iúil
Ionad Pobail De Nógla-Rís - Nagle-Rice Community Centre Do dhaoine óga 7-12 bliain - For young people 7-12 years
Time & Location
15 Iúil 2024, 10:00 – 19 Iúil 2024, 14:30
Milltown, Ballyoughtragh North, Milltown, Co. Kerry, Ireland
About the event
Beidh deis ag daoine óga a gcuid Gaeilge a chleachtadh i dtimpeallach thaitneamhach. Beidh réimse leathan d'imeachtaí ar siúl idir ceardlanna, spóirt, cluichí foirne, drámaíocht, ceol, turas, agus go leor eile!
Young people will have an opportunity to practise their Irish in a fun environment. There will be a wide range of activities including workshops, sports, team games, drama, music, a trip, and much more!
Ionad: Ionad Pobail Nagle-Rice, Baile an Mhuilinn, Co Chiarraí
Location: Nagle-Rice Community Centre, Milltown, Co. Kerry