Club Óg Ógras Chuan na Gaillimhe 10 Meitheamh Uisceadán, Promanád Rinn na Mara Aquarium , Seapoint Promenad... (1)
Luan 10 Meith
Beidh Club Óg Ógras Chuan na Gaillimhe ag dul chuig Uisceadán, Promanád Rinn na Mara ar an 10 Meitheamh. Club Chuan na Gaillimh will be visiting Aquarium,Seapoint Promenade on the 10 June
Time & Location
10 Meith 2024, 14:55 – 17:45
Galway, Seapoint Promenade, Galway, H91 T2FD, Ireland
About the event
Fiosróidh an turas nósanna mara agus fionnuisce agus bithéagsúlacht leis na páistí Tabharfar am dóibh ceisteanna a chuir/ Beidh muid ag dul chuig Supermac's ina dhiadh. Tá an menu do pháistí ag Laura sa chlub, ní mór an ordú a bheith aice roimh an 21 Bealtaine
The tour will explore marine and fresh water habits and biodiversity with the children Time will be given to question/ we will be going to Supermacs after. Laura has the Kid's menu please let her know the order by 21 Bealtaine
Ní mór do na páistí cótaí báistí a bheith acu de bharr go mbeidh muid ag siúl chuig Supermac's / the children must have a raincoat because we will be walking to supermac's