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Gach dara Aoine 7in-8.15in
|Ionad Óige Léim an Bhradáin
Ionad Óige Léim an Bhradáin, Co Chill Dara - Leixlip Youth Centre, Kildare Do dhaoine óga sa 1ú-3ú bhliain sa mheánscoil - For young people in 1st-3rd year in secondary school
Lán/Dúnta - Full/Closed
Ócáidí eile - Other eventsTime & Location
Gach dara Aoine 7in-8.15in
Ionad Óige Léim an Bhradáin, Newtown House, Captain's Hill, Newtown, Leixlip, Co. Kildare, W23 T8W5, Ireland
About the event
Lá agus am teacht le chéile: Gach dara Aoine 7in-8.15in (gach coicís)
Meeting day and time: Every second Friday 7pm-8.15pm (fortnightly)
Ionad: Ionad Óige Léim an Bhradáin, Cnoc an Chaptaein, Co Chill Dara
Location: Leixlip Youth and Community Centre, Captain’s Hill, Co Kildare
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