Todchaí Geal Gaelach-Turas Misteire Thar Lear/Overseas Mystery Trip
Domh 06 DFómh
Seo an nasc clárúcháin don turas mistéire don ghrúpa atá ag glacadh páirte sa Togra Thodchaí Geal Gaelach This is the registration link for the mystery trip for the group taking part in the Todchaí Geal Gaelach Project
Time & Location
06 DFómh 2024, 09:20 – 14 DFómh 2024, 12:09
Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
About the event
Beidh rannpháirtithe an Todchaí Gaelach ag tabhairt faoi thuras mistéir thar lear. Beidh siad ag teacht le chéile mar ghrúpa ag Aerfort Bhaile Átha Cliath agus ag taisteal le chéile chuig an gceann scríbe rúnda.
The participants of the Todchaí Gael Gaelach Project will be embarking on a mystery trip abroad. They will be meeting as a group at Dublin Airport and travelling together to the secret destination
Turas Todchaí Geal Gaelach
Seo é an ticéad le haghaidh cruthúnais ar chlárú don turas This is the ticket for proof of registration for the trip
€100.00Sale ended